What We Do to Help Create Long-Lasting Value in Your Next Executive Search
Nearly 40% of new leaders fail within 18 months. These failures can be very costly for your organization, Board Members and Executives. When it comes to finding talent for your executive leadership roles, it’s a valuable task that will elevate your organization when done right or cost your organization when done poorly.
If you’re a Board Member or Executive needing to fill a critical role, you need a partner and trusted advisor that works with you beyond placement to ensure long term fit and success. Our national executive search team is dedicated to hiring servant leaders who succeed beyond the 18 months.
We offer a suite of tools and partnerships to ensure your C-suite leaders and middle managers are successful beyond the initial placement. Our approach reduces your development costs and ensures a higher long-term success rate, creating more value for your business.
We work with Board Members and Executives across all industries with public and privately held companies, non-profit organizations and government agencies to ensure the next hire elevates organizational performance in the long run.
Whether you are a well-funded startup or a Fortune 500 company, we can elevate your organization with our proprietary process for CFOs, Controllers, leadership roles in FP&A, Audit, Investor Relations, Financial Reporting, Regulatory Reporting, Treasury and Tax Professionals.
Contact us today to learn more about how our partners and tools can help you create more value for the business in your next executive search process.